Cirque de Soleil Review–Loved It Ya Ya Ya

I am extremely fortunate to work for a generous company.

Once a year colleagues and I attend a rather rigorous trade show in Las Vegas, working long hours.

Each time we’ve gone, management has allowed us to attend a Vegas show.

The first year it was the Blue Man Group.

Last year it was Jersey Boys–There’s a review on file in this blog.

This year it was the Cirque de Soleil show called Beatles Love.

As a tribute to the Beatles music, they also began the story reminiscing in a rather dark but realistic fashion on the history of England through her 20th Century World Wars.

Soon after that, almost as if the 60’s were their modern renaissance, in some ways they were, the story and theme became brighter and more upbeat.

I can’t really explain what happens, it’s too abstract to put into words.

All I can say is, it wasn’t until the show ended that I realized I was watching a circus.

During the experience it seemed like an excellent dream.

If you’re in Las Vegas, save your money, avoid the gaming tables and go see this show.

It’s even OK to bring the kids of all ages.

No scary characters and plenty of on stage wonderment for the children to enjoy.

Our tickets were not cheap, in the high one hundreds, but, I promise you will be swept off your feet if you go.

Speaking of feet, the only people who shouldn’t go to this daring show are the parents of the beautiful girls dangling from ropes 50 feet off the ground, hanging on by nothing more than their feet.

Serious Beatles fans, like my college roommate Mark, would be in their glory hearing the songs interpreted in a way only Cirque de Soleil can do.

During set changes they also showed silhouettes of the Fab-4, while playing recorded conversations of their silly banter from 60’s and early 70’s recording sessions.

Great job CdS, you have an incredibly imaginative group of artistic directors and performers.

The hour and a half went by like two minutes and the bet we placed to choose this show paid off 100-1.

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